The wisdom of Feelings

During the last few months, I have been trying to heal the emotional self, and I’ve realized the power of feelings…

In feelings there is wisdom, for the simplest feelings speak the greatest truth.

Pain in life comes from avoiding the truth that your feelings tell.

Any road that avoids feelings cannot be right.

Hiding from your feelings only makes you go in circles. (Been hiding for 5 years, and I did go round and round in pain. And now, I’m in the healing process).

Become comfortable with your feelings, because your feelings are your life.

Trust your feelings. They’re the only true guidance you’ll ever get.

If you know what you’re feeling, you know what the world is revealing to you.

If you cannot be true to your feelings, you cannot be true to yourself.

Trust your feelings, but first you have to know what you really feel.

when you find out when a feeling started, you also find out why.

The feelings you are afraid to release cause you to hold onto other things…

Stay up to date with your feelings. Don’t store them. When a feeling ages, it becomes less honest.

The more immediately you express your hurt, the more completely it resolves.

Stand up for your feelings and you’re free to be yourself.

You have to be able to cry to live fully, for tears in the right place cause healing..

Your feelings are explanation enough. Let them speak.

The greatest credential is the human heart…

Breaking Free from the Rut: A Self-Reflection

Why stay stuck in this rut?

Is it because I’ve become too accustomed to my misfortune?

Am I biding my time, gathering strength for another attempt?

Or am I wearing my misfortune like a badge, seeking sympathy?

Is this sad state just an excuse to vent my frustrations to others?

Could it be a subconscious effort to disappoint someone, and do they even notice?

Do I believe they should care?

Who should care about me when I’m not caring enough about myself to break free from this predicament?

Perhaps I need to linger in this rut to convince myself that change is imperative. After all, I’ve been here for a while, and things haven’t improved on their own.

Sure, I admit that things are as bad as I describe them.

But how long do I plan to endure this suffering?

How much more punishment do I think I deserve?

Maybe it’s time to call when I’m ready to move on. The power to change has always been in my hands.

Or perhaps, instead of calling, it’s time to just move.

To Apologize or Not: Unveiling the Power of Sincere Apologies.

Have you ever found yourself caught in a dilemma about whether or not to apologize? It’s a familiar inner conflict that many of us grapple with. The weight of our actions lingers, and the question of whether an apology is necessary looms large. But what happens when we adamantly refuse to extend that apology? What does our determination to stand our ground really signify?

When we dig deep, we might discover that our reluctance to apologize stems from a desire to justify our actions. It could be an attempt to convince ourselves that we were right or that the other person deserved what they got. In essence, it becomes a self-protective mechanism to shield ourselves from the possibility that we acted in a hurtful manner.

Here’s a revelation: only strong and healthy individuals are capable of offering sincere apologies. Accepting this truth doesn’t brand us as inherently bad, even if our actions may have conveyed otherwise. It’s an acknowledgment that we, too, are susceptible to lapses in judgment and moments of insensitivity.

Refusing to apologize might, in fact, be a symptom of our own unaddressed pain. Perhaps, deep down, we were hurting ourselves, and the hurt we caused was merely an outward expression of our internal struggles.

So, should we apologize? The answer lies in recognizing our humanity, embracing vulnerability, and taking responsibility for the impact of our actions. Apologizing doesn’t diminish our worth; rather, it showcases our strength in acknowledging faults and fostering growth.

In the process, let’s refrain from using our own hurt as a shield or justification for insensitivity. Instead, opt for sincerity, humility, and a genuine commitment to making amends. By offering a heartfelt apology, we not only mend relationships but also rediscover the authentic essence of who we are.

After all, saying sorry is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to our resilience and capacity for positive change. So, the next time you grapple with the decision to apologize, remember: a sincere apology can be the bridge that leads you back to yourself.

Make mistakes.

Why should I be afraid to make mistakes?? I will only learn from my own mistakes.

My successes does not teach me very much. Life is always changing. My success could have been a blessing.

I’m sure to fail if I only try to imitate old successes and never risk enough to make mistakes.

My biggest successes evolve through my failures.

I can learn from the mistakes of others, but I only grow through making my own.

My mistakes point out my flaws, teach me to have confidence in my strengths and have a healthy respect for my humanness.

My mistakes makes me accessible to myself. It is easzier to review my life and make a powerful change during a mistake than it is during a success. Success lures me into believing I am better that I am.

While makin a mistake can be deflatin, it also reconnects me to my promise to myself. I want the people I love most when the leave me. I want the work situation most when I have lost it.

When I am disappointed, my goals seem clearer.

I make my own mistakes on the road to my own goals.

I’ll loosen up, take a chance, run the risk of growing again.

The mistake I make could just be the new beginning I’ve been looking for…

Be a little selfish.

If we sacrifice ourselves hoping that others will reward us, we are only fooling ourselves and setting up other people to disappoint us.

If you do not do what you need to do to make yourself happy, who should?

If you are not a happy person and are waiting for something to happen to make your life better, you will wait a long time.

Our job, your job is to make your life happy.

There is something that you want to do that you can do right now.

Do it!

Other people wont think you are selfish.

Other people probably wont even notice.

If they do notice, most likely they will envy you.

Besides, what do you owe anyone who argues with you for making yourself happy?

If someone is going to hate you no matter what you do, you might as well do whatever you want…

Too close for comfort.

I almost lost everything.

But the car stayed on the road.

The deal came through.
My loved one pulled through!
I got a second chance.
I feel relief when I feel safe.

The danger is past; now I can think about what almost happened.
I kept my false bravery aside. Perhaps I didn’t even know I was at risk. Perhaps I didn’t know what really mattered.

My relief always reflects a hidden fear.
My relief measures my fear and denial.

Perhaps I had too much at stake to face it all at once.

When I was in danger, I had to protect myself by minimizing my risk. Now I lowered my defences and looked at reality without even pretending.

I can admit how much losing really meant to me.

Relief is the beginning of self-knowledge.
Relief lets me feel my attachments and know how much I care.

Knowing what I really love is finding my strength.


“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

Success is liking how I feel about what I do. Any success makes me feel successful when I accept myself.

When I don’t, nothing makes a difference.

Where your passion lies, there too lies your success.

So do your best what makes you happy. No one can ask more, and you wont be satisfies with less.

For me, success is a lonely place, because true success is mastery over yourself. You climb to the top of your talent and survey the world through your own eyes. No one can share your perspective. No one’s praise means much, but anyone’s criticism can touch you, for success makes you open to the slightest weakness in yourself.

I’ve realized that to win the greatest success, I don’t need to use power, but my vulnerability, for true success makes me humble.

And I came to understand that only if I can fail well can I succeed. When we succeed, we know that failure, like success, is always just behind the next door.

The only failure is fearing to risk…

Navigating Life’s Moments with Acceptance

In life, control is an illusion; our power lies in doing what’s right in each fleeting moment. Our approach to these moments shapes the narrative of our lives. But what can we truly control that holds genuine value?

The most precious things are free, but the key is to be free ourselves to fully enjoy them. Love, in its purest form, is inherently free—it thrives in an atmosphere of freedom, where giving and receiving are unencumbered.

Attempts to control our feelings often lead to their control over us. Trying to control others comes at the cost of their love; protecting loved ones from pain can hinder their growth. Holding power over others only breeds manipulation, not genuine connection.

Love bought at the price of control comes with a lifelong interest payment. Real love is not something we purchase; it’s freely given and received. Releasing our grip, loosening our hold, and embracing acceptance are the keys to authentic connections.

It’s time to declare our desires, risking rejection and failure, and allowing life to unfold. Embrace freedom, and let it all be.

‘Be yourself’ is about the worst advice I could give some people. :P

We are the unchanging us.

We are the same us that we were when we were a child and the same us that we will be on our last day.

And yet we can only be our best as we are now, not as we used to be, not as we will be in 20 years.

We can only be our best as ourselves, not in imitation of someone else, not by following someone else’s standards, only by fulfilling our own.

Be ourselves, not what other people want or need us to be.

Wherever we can be ourselves is the place we are supposed to be. We cannot be our best where we do not feel like ourselves.

The person we should be with is the person in whose presence we feel most like ourselves, most like our best.

When we have to give up part of ourselves to be with another person, we always miss the part that we sacrificed in order to be together, and we hold the other person hostage for the part of ourselves we miss.

When we are lonely it is always for that missing part of ourselves.

Our work should be about us. It should mirror our best and capture our desires. We should be able to find ourselves by losing ourselves in our work.

When we are bored, we are not living our own lives.

We dont have to try, we just have to be.

Be ourselves where we are right now.

Every part of our lives should tell our life stories, for if we own ourselves fully, we possess the world!